Just when you think politics can't get any dirtier, or progressives can't disillusion you any further, here comes a blogger called Celtic Diva, at the allegedly progressive Open Left, sounding like an effete classist snob and sliming 7 year old Piper Palin:
[Sarah Palin] had on a very nice black dress and necklace while stirring the family's moose chili and cooking their moose cheese dogs...not props, they swear. Piper Palin was also wearing an apron and running around taking drink orders for the media. I figure she was practicing for her future career in the service industries. She's missed so much school lately (and let's face it, education does NOT seem to be a Palin family value) that might be all she's qualified to do when she grows up.
Gee, thanks so much, Celtic Diva. Next time I eat out, I'll remember to look down my effete nose at the help. Obviously they are uneducated losers, including the ones in my family.
And what kind of human being takes cheap shots at children? If Piper had sat around like a little princess being waited on, the blogger would have slimed her for being a pampered princess.
And as to the crack about education, touring with your vice presidential candidate mom (!) has more educational value than most public school kids in this educationally bankrupt nation see in a freaking year.
Will somebody please remind me who the good guys are? Gawd.
Progressive Bloggers Classist Politics Piper Palin Gender News Sarah Palin Derangement Syndrome Politics of Hate