Noted misogynist Keith Olbermann and his MSNBC colleagues usually mock, ridicule and laugh at The View. Why not? It's an all female show. And Barbara Walters used to be such an awesome journalist until she went and got old. So naturally they put her over there in the ghetto of daytime tv .
It was somewhat shocking to see Keith on The View yesterday. When Keith goes slumming in female ghettos, you know something's up. The fool has finally discovered that women viewers left his show in droves somewhere back there when he was calling Hillary Rodham Clinton a low-life racist who hoped and prayed for her opponent to be killed.
But Keith has no problem getting male viewers, which is why he just signed a new contract doubling his salary. And it does appear that there is "an Epatha Merkerson clause in there that calls for KO to improve his relationship with female viewers."
In the video clip below, the notorious woman hater jokes about his primary hatred for Hillary and says that the Clintons don't invite him to their parties anymore - beginning at 47 sec.
Elisabeth Hasselbeck led off, asking "What do you say to critics who claim you've been particularly soft on Democrats?"
"I run that question past Senator Clinton, because she didn't think I was easy on her," Olbermann replied. "She's still kind of mad at me. ... They don't invite me to the parties any more," he added, hanging his head in mock-sorrow.
"Because a senator - a politician - a person - who can let hang in mid-air the prospect that she might just be sticking around in part, just in case the other guy gets shot - has no business being, and no capacity to be, the President of the United States."
-- Keith Olbermann
The View Barbara Walters Keith Olbermann Misogyny Politics Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Gender News MSNBC Media Bias Sexist Politics of Hate