The video clip below offers another view of Obama's new chief of staff Rahm Emanuel. People say Rahm Emanuel was used as a model for West Wing character Josh Lyman (Bradley Whitford). If you've been following the comparisons of the Obama campaign to the final seasons of West Wing, you know that West Wing producer Eli Attie consulted Obama advisor David Axelrod in an effort to make West Wing's minority presidential candidate Matt Santos (Jimmy Smits) authentic. In other words, Obama was the model for the West Wing president (and McCain for the evil Republican opponent).
It's too early in the morning for me to think deeply about the scariness of all this, but maybe we should be watching reruns of West Wing for clues about how the Obama Administration is going to turn out? And if this is a campaign to promote sales of West Wing DVDs, it appears to be working.
Watching “The West Wing” in retrospect — all seven seasons are available on DVD, and episodes can be seen in syndication — viewers can see allusions to Mr. Obama in almost every facet of Matthew Santos, the Hispanic Democratic candidate played by Jimmy Smits. . . In Britain, where the series remains popular in syndication, a recent headline on a blog carried by the newspaper The Telegraph declared: “Barack Obama will win: It’s all in ‘The West Wing.’ ”
Life Imitating Art?
The 'West Wing' Prophecies Continue
video via Daily Beast
Election 2008 News Politics Obama McCain West Wing Emanuel