Sarah Palin accomplished what no other human could. She took Andrew Sullivan's deranged mind off of Hillary Clinton. The election is over. Sarah Palin is no longer a candidate. But bloviating Andrew Sullivan continues to be hell bent on inspecting Sarah Palin's medical records.
The apoplectic He-man wants Sarah Palin's pregnancy records! And he wants them now! I've seen some womb envy victims in my lifetime, but none quite compare with obsessive compulsive misogyny infected Andrew Sullivan:
10 Nov 2008: On the Trig question, I tried for two months to get some kind of basic, evidentiary proof. I asked publicly; I asked privately . . Give us some records of the last pregnancy: maybe a record of the amniocentesis, or doctor visits clearly about a pregnancy, or an interview with the doctor who delivered Trig, Catherine Baldwin-Johnson. Palin has a press avail on Wednesday. Ask for the records, please. She just asked if we wanted them. We do!
Andrew Sullivan Is A Sexist Pig
Womb Envy Politics Gender Hillary Clinton News Misogyny Anti Feminist Sarah Palin Medical Records Trig Pregnancy Sexist Derangement Syndrome Politics of Hate