Fox News is citing anonymous McCain people day and night as they drop juicy bits of hot gossip about what a diva Sarah Palin is and how she lost the election for their boy McCain.
Now we hear that the wanton Sarah Palin shocked and offended the puritanical sensibilities of McCain aides by appearing before them wearing nothing but a towel!:
At the GOP convention in St. Paul, Palin was completely unfazed by the boys' club fraternity she had just joined. One night, Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter went to her hotel room to brief her. After a minute, Palin sailed into the room wearing nothing but a towel, with another on her wet hair. She told them to chat with her laconic husband, Todd. "I'll be just a minute," she said.
OMG! Gasp. Horrors. We guess this means Sarah Palin really is a slut. But we knew that already because the brazen hussy wears red. Conservatives really do need to come out of the freaking 16th century. Or the sexists on the right could get together with the sexists on the left and harass and smear every single woman who dares to compete for a man's job. Oh, wait.
Some conservatives appear to be very fearful that Sarah Palin will indeed emerge as a presidential candidate in 2012, and so they are doing their best to destroy the woman before they have to compete with the bitch for a man's job.
Hello? Is that you behind the curtain of smears, Mitt Romney?

But the plot thickens. Rightwing bloggers have made the earth-shattering discovery that Fox News actually broadcasts anonymous smears, aka lies! So glad the bloggers are on the case. Now we learn that Fox News employs savage beasts like Carl Cameron, who reports that not only was Sarah Palin seen "wearing nothing but a towel," she also didn't know that Africa was a continent, she shopped til she dropped, and she threw "temper tantrums," just like a diva.
Worse yet, Sarah Palin is not sweet and nurturing like John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. The bitch is so mean that she almost made her staff cry, according to anonymous sources reported to Fox News.
And now you know why John McCain lost the election.
Right-wingers War With Right-wingers --OR--
Right-wing Bloggers Defend Sarah Palin from Fox News:
Operation Leper -- RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper. — We're tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others. Michelle Malkin has the details. . We are rooting for Sarah Palin. Don't make us add you to our list. Do you really want to be next to Kathleen Parker in the leper colony?
Michelle Malkin: The McCain campaign’s classless cowards -- The anonymous trashing of Sarah Palin by blabbermouth McCain aides who are leaking to Fox News is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. . .Shame on the smearers who don’t have the balls to show their faces. Thank you, Sarah Palin. Thank you for stepping up the plate and serving your country.
Fox Dishes The Dirt On Palin
Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO)
Video: Fox News drops another load of dirty laundry on Palin
Sources: McCain aide fired for ‘trashing’ staff
Politics Gender News Sexist Republicans Male Dominated Culture Misogyny Sarah Palin