From the Daily Beast:
"Now the gay community supports African American candidates, supports civil rights, and what happens? They treat us the same way the country once treated them."
Did Obama’s campaign draw out the black vote and doom Proposition 8? Many gays seem to think so. . . This unusual confluence of events has created a near-perfect study in what happens when minority groups are pitted against one another. As you can see from peeking in on gay and lesbian internet message boards, white gay people are railing against the socially conservative black vote that came out for Obama and may have boosted Proposition 8. Black gays, in turn, are accusing their white gay peers of viscous racism. On one message board on the gay blog Queerty, the conflict is unfolding in real-time. Here are a few excerpts.
o. 5 • Cam: According to Exit Polls every ethnic group supported marriage equality, except African-Americans, who voted overwhelmingly against extending to gay people the civil rights once denied them: a staggering 69 - 31 percent African-American margin against marriage equality. I am starting to see a pattern. Large numbers of Jews were workers for Civil rights in the south, some were even killed and hung. Yet for years people like Farrakan and Sharpton demonized Jews. Now the gay community supports African American candidates, supports civil rights, and what happens? They treat us the same way the country once treated them. Using the excuse of morality and religeon, the SAME reasons once given for denying them the right to marry somebody of a different race. I have one comment for the Black Community. Since you are so religeous. How about a little bit of loving your neighbor as yourself?
Posted: Nov 5, 2008 at 11:26 am
Politics Gender News Gay Marriage California Prop 8 Same-Sex Equal Rights Obama Homophobia