Saturday, September 13, 2008

SNL: Tina Fey to Play Sarah Palin?

Update (and bump) - The AP reports that it looks like it will be Tina Fey who plays Sarah Palin on SNL. No word on whether this will happen on tonight's season premier. Obama has canceled his planned cameo appearance due to the hurricane. I hope everyone is ok. Goddess. The lines at the gas stations in Nashville last night were around the block! [end of update]

Saturday Night Live is trying to get Tina Fey to play Sarah Palin. And it may happen on this Saturday's season premier, according to SNL producer and creator Lorne Michaels.

If SNL persuades Tina Fey to come back, for a night or more, I'll watch again. The last time I watched was the night Amy Poehler, playing Hillary Rodham Clinton, looked the camera in the eye and said, all my supporters are racist.

Now that we are in an election year which miraculously features women in prominent non wifely roles, SNL might want to hire some more women. The show currently employs all of three women and one of them, Amy Poehler, appears to be moving on to greener pastures:

Without a new hire or two, that will leave just Kristen Wiig and Casey Wilson (and perhaps the occasional guy in drag) to handle Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain and what's sure to be the plum role of the campaign: gun-toting hockey mom Sarah Palin.

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot. Barack Obama will make one of his cameo appearances on SNL this Saturday. Read about it here:

When He's Facing a Tough Woman…Obama Goes on SNL

Obama on SNL - 11-03-2007