Saturday, August 16, 2008

CNN's Jack Cafferty Denigrates Hillary Supporters As 'Humorless, Rabid, Lunatic Fringe'

CNN's Jack Cafferty continues to vie for the honor of being the Keith Olbermann of CNN. Like Keith, Jack doesn't just hate Hillary Rodham Clinton, he hates all her supporters. Jack Cafferty was once a big war supporter. Now Jack's a big Obama supporter. And poor Jack is not happy about the fact that the historic campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton will be recognized and honored at the Democratic National Convention.

I strongly encourage all of you 'humorless, rabid, lunatic fringe' types to join me in sending Jack Cafferty some heartfelt wishes for a very speedy retirement.

CAFFERTY: . . [Q]uite frankly, Barack Obama is starting to look a little like a wussy. I mean she's stealing the convention right out from under him. She gets to speak. Her husband gets to speak. She gets her own production team to put together the video that will be used to introduce her. The Democratic National Committee or Obama's production team wasn't good enough, she wanted her own. And guess who they are? The same people that produced "The Man From Hope," which was the video that was put together for that other Clinton back along the way.

The one up side of all of this is some of these rabid, absolutely humorless supporters of hers will now be relegated to the lunatic fringe if they don't agree that this is about as good a deal as anybody has gotten since the Brinks guys pulled off that deal.

TGW: Worse than Free Republic and Town Hall