Saturday, August 16, 2008

Another Obama Logo

The Obama PR campaign continues to underwhelm us with bright shiny new logos. This one - Buy American, Vote Obama - is apparently aimed at hard-to-woo and allegedly "low information" Hillary voters. Does this mean we're supposed to forget the global economy?


The Obama camp is pushing a new theme in Pennsylvania tomorrow -- it's called the "Buy American, Vote Obama" campaign. Here's the new logo, to be unveiled tomorrow and to appear on stickers and flyers in select towns around the state:

Obama's Pennsylvania campaign, the aide says, will be hitting the ground this weekend in around five towns around the state with stickers and flyers bearing the above "Buy American, Vote Obama" logo. The events will feature a few dozen actual Harley riders for Obama that have been recruited for the weekend's events. “Harley riders aren't typically supportive of Democratic candidates," the aide says. "But we're making a play for them by saying that Obama's economic policies are the true patriotic ones." If "Buy American, Vote Obama" catches on, it could conceivably be unveiled in other battlegrounds.