Thursday, August 14, 2008

Worse than Free Republic and Town Hall

Shocking news. Some 'progressives' are less than thrilled by the news that for the first time in the history of this sexist nation, a woman who almost won the primary presidential contest will have her name placed in nomination at the Democratic National Convention. We're sure their 'progressive' fathers did not like those other uppity women who ran in years past either.

The PINOs are so angry that they have begun to revert back to their infamous primary hate mode. Gee, I can hardly wait to hear what the boyz at MSNBC will have to say.

Snippets from the commenters' over at the 'progressive' CarpetBagger Report:

Craptharsis… These Clintons need to sit down and shut up.

Obama could talk them. Agree to everything they say. And the psycho bitiches will not go away.

Why is the h*ll is it always about the f*cking Clintons?

Oh Lord,
May the dryed up wicked witch of the least disappear from the american political landscape. May the husband of the witch disappear from the memory of the american public. May the evil of Clintonitis be erased forever. For this I pray, in the name of the father, the son, and the holy Pat Robertson.

Honestly, who gives a shit about closure for a few hundred PUMAs.

Why is the h*ll is it always about the f*cking Clintons? I am still waiting to be convinced that Billary is not subverting Obama so that she can run in 2012.