Friday, August 15, 2008

MSNBC's Shuster vs. PUMAs Bower & Murphy (Video)

In the video clip below, Darragh Murphy and Will Bower appear on Misogynistic MSNBC's Hardball to present the case for PUMA and Just Say No Deal. Obnoxious and belligerent David "Pimp" Shuster strives to make the interview all about himself and his bad personality. Is it just me, or does Shuster get extra disrespectful and contemptuous whenever he is speaking to (or over) the woman?

Margery Eagan (no Hillary fan) has a nice piece about PUMA in the Boston Herald. Here's an excerpt: Darragh Murphy spent her first 31 years in Dorchester and sounds like it. Now she’s a Carlisle mother of three and pushing 40. She started out as an Edwards supporter “which I’m now ashamed to admit.” What moved her to action was “the nonsense about the New Hampshire primary,” she said. You know: Did HRC cry? Didn’t she cry.

Said Murphy, “I woke up that morning and said holy smoke! They’re not even gonna let her run and compete. The Obama campaign is gonna sit back and take the benefits of that crap from (MSNBC’s) Mike Barnicle and Chris Matthews and Tucker Carlson and Maureen Dowd and Howard Dean. That’s what did it for me.”

So here’s PUMA’s plan: “Our goal is to get the DNC to follow the process and let the delegates vote for her nomination.” Their hope? That somehow she gets it. But “there’s a big difference between a hope and a goal,” says Murphy. Meanwhile, PUMA has secured permits for an all-day Beautiful Protest and Rise in a park just 1 miles from the Convention Center and list scores of activities for Hillary’s army on their Web site. . . Obama should be way ahead. He’s not. Maybe it’s working, and the Hillsters will have the last laugh.