Monday, July 14, 2008

Media Goes Wild Over Obama on New Yorker Cover

So here's the cover of the New Yorker. The one that pokes fun at the right-wing fantasy that Barack and Michelle Obama are radical Muslim terrorists/Black Power extremists out to burn American flags and overthrow the U.S. Government.

New Yorker readers tend to be informed and sophisticated and thus not inclined to view a satirical cartoon as something to get excited about.

The Obama campaign and the hysterical media, however, are an altogether different story. Obama spokesman Bill Burton said:

The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree."

Tasteless and offensive? You mean what the media and 'progressive' bloggers used to do to Senator Hilllary Rodham Clinton seemingly every day of the Democratic primary? Sorry, but tasteless and offensive is what the US media is all about and sooner or later even media darlings must have their turn.

The Obama campaign should get over itself. It's a cartoon for gawd's sake.

Also in the New Yorker is an 18 page story about Barack Obama which might possibly merit a wee bit more attention than a cartoon - How Chicago shaped Obama, by Ryan Lizza.

Yikes! Controversial New Yorker Cover Shows Muslim, Flag-Burning, Osama-Loving, Fist-Bumping Obama

And in retrospect, given the outcry, is he glad he made the art?
"Retrospect? Outcry?" he wrote. "The magazine just came out ten minutes ago, at least give me a few days to decide whether to regret it or not..."