Sunday, July 13, 2008

Election News Quick Hits

Declining donations to the Obama campaign are "one of the reasons why the Clinton people are so important," said Kirk Wagar, Obama's Florida finance chairman."

Newsweek wonders why a candidate as pathetic as John McCain appears to be in a statistical tie with Barack Obama.

The New York Times reports that some progressives are so disillusioned with Obama's move to the right that they are returning to the Green Party.

Presidential candidate Ralph Nader wrote a letter to Rush Limbaugh and told him to get his lazy ass off welfare: "It is way past due for Rush Limbaugh as the Kingboy of corporatist radio to set a capitalist example for his peers and pay rent to the American people for the very lucrative use of their property."

Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney became the Green Party's presidential candidate on Saturday. Rosa Clemente is her running mate. Two women. Wow.