Saturday, July 12, 2008

Call to Hillary Supporters: Take Action on Saturday, July 19

"Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing never can bring about reform. Those who are really in earnest must be willing to be anything or nothing in the world's estimation."

Tired of being taken for granted? Confused about where to find the party that supports women's rights? Have a fondness for parties that believe in the principles of one person, one vote and count every vote? Want the Democratic Party to listen to and respect women for a freaking change?

Do something!

Saturday, July 19th, 2008 is the 160th Anniversary of the Seneca Falls Women's Rights Convention. During that first national Women's Rights Convention, the Declaration of Sentiments was adopted. On Saturday July 19th, 2008, Senator Hillary Clinton's Supporters will gather together nationwide to celebrate this historic anniversary at house parties, cocktail parties, and public gathering places, where they will adopt their own "Declaration of Resolutions" at "Resolution Day" parties nationwide.

Declaration of Resolutions

Resolved, that we will support and celebrate a woman's name—Hillary Clinton— being offered on the roll call for the first time in history at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August of 2008. We support this roll call in accordance with tradition for 16 of the last 18 Democratic National Conventions.

Resolved, that we will support and celebrate the Democratic Party seating the full Michigan and Florida delegations in adherence to the Democratic principle of one-person, one-vote.

Resolved, that we will support and celebrate the Michigan delegates being awarded to candidates according to the actual votes cast.

Resolved, that millions of Americans will gather on August 26th, 2008, throughout the United States of America, to view Hillary Clinton's historic prime-time convention speech on national television and to celebrate the 88th anniversary of women receiving the Right to Vote.

Resolved, that we will support and celebrate the elimination of caucuses and the reformation of the Democratic Primary system to better reflect the one-person, one-vote principle, as well as the equal representation principle enshrined in the United States Constitution.

Resolved, that we will support and celebrate the end of the exploitation of all cultural biases being rewarded with votes, and that it is part of the mission of those adopting this Declaration to educate the electorate about such actions.

Resolved, that those adopting this Declaration are traditional and loyal Democrats who have carefully watched and recorded the events of the 2008 Primary campaign season.

Resolved, that an historic number of Americans—18 million—voted for Senator Hillary Clinton as a Democratic primary presidential candidate, and they have a right to help shape the agenda and processes of the Democratic Party.

via Alegre's Corner