Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The UnDemocratic Party: Primary vs. Caucus Report (Video)

The video below offers a brief summary of a new report on the severely undemocratic nature of the caucus system. According to the report: "97% of pledged delegate difference between Obama and Clinton is directly related to the caucus victories." (!)

Jeralyn at TalkLeft offers a more detailed summary:

35 Primaries with 33.8 million voters have Clinton leading in both votes and delegates. Caucuses with 1.1 million voters gave Obama 300,000 more votes and 193 more delegates.... After 47 state elections to date, Obama leads Clinton by 152 pledged delegates. 97% of the difference – 148 delegates – is directly attributable to lopsided victories in caucus contests. . . Bottom line: caucus voters will have a grossly disproportionate role in determining the 2008 Democratic nominee.

Jeralyn adds: "While this is the system we have, and in 2008 it's not possible to change the rules in hindsight, we have more than 800 superdelegates who can change their mind up until the convention." read more . .

Read the full report (pdf): Primary versus Caucus: How millions of voters are systemically disenfranchised and election results are skewed by P. Cronin