Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hillary Doesn't Concede: Media Implodes

Before the votes from the South Dakota and Montana primaries came in last night, Obama was crowned presumptive nominee. But what's the big deal about voters? Why wait one more whole day? Voters should just be grateful that this time the media didn't interrupt Hillary's speech in order to cut to the Precious.

Despite a full day of repeated assurances from the Clinton campaign that Hillary was NOT going to concede last night, the raging pundits were shocked to the bone when Hillary didn't concede last night. And they whined about it all night long. They whined about the unfairness of it all, I mean it was supposed to be Obama's night, but here was Hillary making the pundits obsess about her all night long. The bitch. CNN and MSNBC pundits worked from the same script. Hillary stole Obama's night. She made them bash her all night long.

Presumably Obama gave a great speech, the crowd appeared catatonic, but it wasn't a good enough speech for the pundits to devote any time to it. Who the hell they will obsess about if and when Hillary actually leaves the race, goddess only knows.

After hours of watching the raging hatred and abuse, I was exhausted. Five hundred years ago, people like the cable news pundits burned women at the stake. Are they like this because we are a sick culture? Or are we a sick culture because our media is comprised of crude and rude hate freaks?

The pundits hated that the crowd yelled: Denver! Denver! Denver! One pouting pundit said Hillary should have made the crowd be quiet. They also hated her speech. CNN pundits proclaimed Hillary's speech to be "defiant." She did not concede; she did not submit to their demands. It didn't take long for the all male panel on MSNBC to come to the very same outraged conclusion. How dare she defy them?

And they obsessed about whether or not Hillary wants or deserves to be the VP. Chris Matthews wondered aloud if Vice President Hillary would "obey" Obama.

Hillary: "I will be making no decisions tonight"