Even members of the ego-inflated MSNBC team are wearing blue today. Sorry MSNBC, I seriously doubt that Hillary and Barack mean to include you in the Democratic unity movement.
Political Intelligence: UNITY, N.H. -- The big moment came at 1:20 p.m. -- Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton taking the stage together, waving to the cheering throngs, his arm around her shoulder, even color coordinated -- she in a powder blue pantsuit and he wearing a tie of the same hue over a white dress shirt. . .
When some in the crowd started chanting, "Obama, Obama, Obama!" others started chanting "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary!"
Photos: AP - Obama, Clinton make show of unity in Unity, N.H.
Update: I tried to find a video clip of Hillary's remarks, but no luck yet. Of course, video clips of Obama's full remarks are everywhere, and naturally MSNBC is dutifully blasting out the remarks of the Darling One. It's almost like it's the primary again, when the media interrupted her speech in order to give us the speech from the One. I realize He's the presumptive nominee and all, but it's also true that we hear from Him every day and every night, and have heard very little from Her since she suspended her campaign. Obviously that's the way the media boyz like it. Good luck getting party unity while the biased media boyz remain in charge of shaping the narrative and manipulating the people.
Unity New Hampshire Politics News Gender Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Bill Clinton Democratic Party Denver