I found a link to a letter to Hillary from Feminists for Hilllary in my inbox this morning. Does anyone wonder why the email message and the one page website are crafted by anonymous feminists for Hillary? Hint: It's not because conservatives are still consumed with the project of hating Hillary.
Since the left took over the conservative project of openly hating Hillary Rodham Clinton and the women and men who support her, conservatives don't need to bother. Now that overt misogyny on the left is all the rage, conservative trolls are almost a joy to behold.
If you, like me, find that you are either crying in pain or bubbling over with righteous rage, do something! Do something to fuel the rising feminist backlash! (Tell me about it: egalia at earthlink dot net)
Excerpt from a letter to Hillary - Read the whole thing - Feminists for Hillary:
Dear Hillary,
. . . Our lives are full of everyday misogyny, but your life seems particularly inundated by unnecessary vitriol and hate, and in that, we see our own battles. Over the years, we have seen a woman struggling in a political relationship, an intimate relationship, and we have seen and admired your strength to withstand it all. We hear the critics, we see the pundits’ words in print, and we fear for a world that possess such a hatred of the complex and feminine. Yet you don’t show your fear. You keep moving forward. Many of us have bailed out along the way, terrified, but we owe you and ourselves more than that.

We don’t just love you because you’re a woman. We love you because you fight with us, for us, against the odds. We love you in spite of (or perhaps in some ways, because of) defeat. We’re defeated every day. We live in a country run by men, whose agendas will never place us at the forefront of policy. They grew up with us, live with us, but they don’t know us the way you do. They don’t wake up every day experiencing our collective female oppression and imposed inferiority.
We are women, we are feminists, and we love you, and we’re sorry. We’re still here, and we still believe.
Feminists for Hillary
June 2008
Time cover via Becki Jayne at The Real Spiel
Related: The Red Queen: Why I will not now, not ever, not under the pain of death vote for Obama. And in the future when either a sweetie or a troll tries to waste my time, I am simply pointing them here. So let's start with why I love Hillary. And I mean love.
Misogyny Politics Sexist News Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Gender Democratic Primary Media Progressives Feminist Backlash Hillary Supporters