And the season of disunity continues. Loud and sustained boos and jeers greeted Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm when she mentioned Hillary Rodham Clinton at Obama's recent Unity Rally. The former Clinton supporter appeared at the Detroit event in order to show her solidarity with unity candidate and presumptive nominee Barack Obama.
Granholm was there to help spark unity in a state that Obama must win, in a state that continues to present grave problems for Obama. The video clip below may be too dark to see it, but the clips on teevee show the Obama supporters behind Granholm grinning and laughing at the jeers and boos.
For Democrats who are still angry over the disrespectful, misogynistic and race-baiting treatment of Hillary and Bill Clinton by Obama and his campaign, boos and jeers by Obamanauts at a Unity Rally are not exactly surprising. We'd boo too if we believed the lies told about Hillary and Bill Clinton and their polarizing cultural-war-causing boomer supporters. But, um, that's us.
Meanwhile, yet another poll (Washington Post/ABC) finds we are a very long way from unity, or "nearly a quarter of those who said they favored Clinton over Obama for the nomination currently prefer McCain for the general election, virtually unchanged from polls taken before Clinton suspended her campaign." Furthermore, forty-six percent of voters are concerned about Obama's thin resume. Independents are split down the middle in their support for Obama and McCain. Married white women are going for McCain by 20 points. Older voters by 12 points.
But the good news is that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will appear together at a Unity Event in Washington next week. The bad news is that their supporters will be there.
DETROIT -- Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm received a deafening chorus of boos . . The jeering from thousands of Obama supporters at Joe Louis Arena came after Granholm acknowledged her support of Clinton, and they seemed to take her aback. "Come on now," the governor pleaded before finally continuing, "I'm proud to say I'm standing with her and all of you" in supporting Obama.
And in yet more disunity news, Obama's campaign has apparently sent out the word that Hillary will Not be asked to be Obama's VP. --- Hillary Clinton Insiders Seethe at Obama's latest:
Clinton Bundler on Obama's Doyle Pick: The Biggest 'Fuck You' Ever -- A former bundler to Hillary Clinton just called in to tell me that Barack Obama's selection of Patti Solis Doyle as chief of staff to the campaign's eventual vice presidential nominee is the "biggest fuck you I have ever seen in politics."Other Clinton insiders also seethed. "Who can blame Obama for rewarding Patti? He would never be the nominee without her," one person who has worked for both Clintons and remains close to them said. The sentiment reflected what another person in the immediate Clinton orbit described as "shock" that Obama would send such a strong signal that he is not considering Clinton as his runningmate so soon. [via ]
Unity Pony Graphic via Clyde's Place
Michigan Politics VP News Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Polarizing Democratic Primary Backlash Hillary Supporters