Robin Tyler, left, and Diane Olson rejoice after marrying in a Jewish ceremony on the steps of the Beverly Hills courthouse. . . The rabbi [a woman] had barely intoned the words that Olson and Tyler had waited so long to hear -- "By the power vested in me by the state of California . . ." -- when the crowd roared its approval, momentarily drowning out [Rabbi Denise] Eger, who continued: ". . . I now pronounce you spouses for life!"
[A]cross the state Monday, at 5:01 p.m., the moment that same-sex marriage became legal by order of the California Supreme Court, exultant gay couples raced to be first to partake in a legal ritual long denied them.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom presided at the wedding of Del Martin, 87, and Phyllis Lyon, 84. . . . In 1955, they founded the nation's first lesbian organization, the Daughters of Bilitis. . . "We didn't give a damn about getting married. We just wanted to get a law that said you can't fire us because we are gay," Lyon told the AP.

San Francisco Chronicle: Lesbian rights pioneers Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, together for more than half a century, will get married in San Francisco City Hall this evening wearing the same pastel-colored pantsuits they donned four years ago when they wed the first time. [via]
WaPo: She said, "I do," and she said, "Absolutely."
More on longtime feminist & lesbian rights activists Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon.
Del Martin Phyllis Lyon Politics Gay LGBT News Gender Same-Sex Marriage California