Bus loads of fired-up women from some 26 states will converge in D.C. to rally outside the DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee Meeting this Saturday. The National Organization for Women is among the many women's groups that will be represented. I so wish I could be there. I will, however, be seriously glued to the C-SPAN coverage!!
The cracks in the divided Democratic Party just got a little deeper.
A group of high-profile Hillary Clinton supporters, Democratic fundraisers and Florida Democrats is planning to hold a day-long rally Saturday outside the Washington hotel where the Democratic National Committee's Rules and Bylaws Committee Meeting will be considering the fate of votes cast in the Michigan and Florida primaries to call attention to what they say is the exclusion of women's voices from the democratic -- and Democratic -- process and the disenfranchisement of Michigan and Florida voters.
Announced speakers so far include National Organization for Women President Kim Gandy and Florida Democratic congresswoman Corinne Brown. Organizers say that they expect individuals to come in from 26 different states for the rally, as well as some major celebrity speakers, and that they are receiving logistical assistance or other support from the pro-Clinton United Federation of Teachers and EMILY's List. The group Florida Demands Representation, organized by James Hannagan, will also be there.
Obama's campaign told its supporters in an e-mail to stay away. Currently within 45 delegates of clinching the nomination, Obama wants to avoid a spectacle that could harden the divide within the party. . . The rules committee is scheduled Saturday to hear from both campaigns and come up with a settlement, but its ruling could be appealed to the credentials committee at the national convention.
Women are appalled and we are threatening a walkout at the national convention if Obama is forced on us as the nominee and we will work to unseat every Representative who defied our choice of HRC.
Visit www.HillaryResponders.com/CountEveryVote to register for the DC Rally or e-mail CountEveryVote08@gmail.com to connect with people in your area traveling to Washington.
"I guarantee there will be a fourth wave of feminism rising in this nation."
Feminist Backlash Misogyny Politics Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Democratic Primary Gender News Media Bias Sexist News Michigan Florida Howard Dean