From Canada -- one of numerous countries that has actually had a female prime minister -- journalist Janet Bagnall observes that if Margaret Thatcher had run for office in America, it is unlikely the woman would have survived the misogynistic crap:
The demonization of Hillary Clinton has reached such a pitch that when she tried to remind Americans that presidential nomination contests have often carried on into the summer months, she found herself accused of waiting to see whether her opponent, Barack Obama, would be killed. . .
[T]here's only one question that needs answering at this point: What woman in her right mind would ever run for a nomination again?
The fight for a U.S. presidential nomination is far more punishing than anything most female leaders face anywhere else in the world. Margaret Thatcher, inevitably held up as the example to which all ambitious women should aspire, won her party's leadership. Only afterward did she become British prime minister. If the merciless British media had months of primaries to devote to analyzing Thatcher's every move, wardrobe change and political pronouncement, it is unlikely even she would have survived such a sustained assault. But, she didn't have to.
Misogyny Politics Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Democratic Primary Gender News Media Bias Sexist News Feminist Backlash Puerto Rico Montana