Wednesday, May 28, 2008

MSNBC, Are You Insane?

Yesterday, MSNBC continued its daily Hillary is an Evil Bitch programming. Not content with the full holiday weekend press coverage portraying Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as a monster with visions of assassination plots in her murderous head, the Obama News Network stenographers continued to peddle the She-Devil Assassination Drama. Eugene Robinson showed up on Chris Matthews' Hardball for yet another session of good-old-boy jeering and ridiculing the woman who just won't quit, dammit. Robinson actually read aloud from his latest melodrama column which was, um, about how Hillary the Evil Bitch is losing her soul.

And we remember why Al Gore used to roll his eyes so much.

Apparently, MSNBC is going to continue to be woman-hating tabloid trash teevee until we make them stop it!!

People are working on that:

Friends, I sent the following to bigwig Steve Capus & to Chris Matthews. I hope others will ewrite in a similar vein. I'm agog.

Steve Capus <>; Chris Matthews <>

Subject: Are You Insane?

Dear Mr. Capus & Mr. Matthews, ANYone who imagines that Hillary was referencing anything but the primaries going into June with her 'my husband & RFK' remarks has lost their moorings in reality. That grownups would sit around so-called seriously debating "what she might have meant" -- "Could she have meant she's waiting to see if Mr. Obama is assassinated" is simply insane & hysterical. I'm ashamed of MSNBC and any commentator who would brook such nonsense for one second. Get a grip. That I would have to write such a comment in 21st century America is embarrassing and shameful for you. Sincerely, contact