Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gender Gap: Oregon Men Deliver Respectable Win to Obama

Barack Obama won Oregon by 16 points, and 14 of those points were delivered by men (men: 65; women 51). As usual, the media wants to spin every primary as all about race. Because when it's all about race, it's all about the male-biased media's darling Obama.

The inconvenient truth is that exit polls reveal that it was gender that gave Obama his respectable win in Oregon. It was the male vote. The gender gap that favored Obama among Oregon male voters was was 31 points!

Oregon men
Hillary 34%
Obama 65%

Oregon women
Hillary 48% (white women 50%)
Obama 51% (white women 50%)

Gender did not have the same effect among the Democratic men of Kentucky. Hillary won Kentucky by 35 points, with very little difference in the female and male vote.

Kentucky men
Hillary 64%
Obama 33%

Kentucky women
Hillary 67%
Obama 29%

Despite the huge gender gap among Oregon men, exit polls indicate that men who voted for Obama denied that gender was a factor in their decision to vote for the male candidate.

Obama voters
Men who say gender was a factor: 0%
Men who say gender was not a factor: 66%

So glad we cleared that up. There are obviously no men in Oregon who are too sexist to vote for a woman because Oregon is a liberal state, and we all know that liberal men are not sexist. Lest we doubt it, we can always tune in to the liberal woman-hating MSNBC propaganda network.

Meanwhile, Jeralyn has the popular vote tally:

Popular vote total nationally: Counting Michigan, Florida and the caucus states, including estimates for IA, NV, ME, WA:

• Hillary:17,581,874 * 47.8%
• Obama: 17,486,820 * 47.5%
• Hillary up by 95,054, +0.26%

Graphic credit: HillBuzz