Here's another lying ad from Mr. Hope. Recall that Hillary Clinton's health care plan is virtually identical to the Edwards plan. That's why Elizabeth Edwards recently endorsed Hillary's plan.
Who's the progressive in this race?
The same Obamabots who loved Edwards' plan now despise Hillary's because, well, because they despise Hillary. Such is the nature of the irrational Obamabots. (Obviously there are exceptions, but we don't hear much from them.)
SCRIPT: Announcer: "Hillary Clinton's attacking, but what's she not telling you about her health care plan? It forces everyone to buy insurance, even if you can't afford it, and you pay a penalty if you don't. Barack Obama believes that it's not that people don't want health care, it's that they can't afford it. That's why the Obama plan reduces costs more than Hillary's, saving $2,500 for the typical family. For health care we can afford, vote for change we can believe in."
Obama: "I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message."
Senator Clinton Responds to Obama's Attack Ad:
At a rally in York, PA, Clinton said “I just heard that my opponent has put up an ad attacking my health care plan, which is kind of curious, because my plan covers everybody and his leaves out 15 million people – just leaves them out in the cold.”
“Now, instead of attacking the problem, he chooses to attack my solution. I don’t think that we can just make speeches about this – we have to have a plan that we can actually implement that will provide quality affordable health care. That’s what I’ve been fighting for for 15 years, and that’s what I will fight for as your president,” she said.
TGW: Paul Krugman: Obama Won't Deliver Universal Health Care
TGW: Obama Attacks Universal Health Care With the Return of Harry & Louise
TGW: Krugman: Obama Running to the Right -- Goes 'Harry and Louise' on Health Care
Clinton Chides Obama for Going 'So Negative'
Barack Obama Paul Krugman Health Care News Politics Democratic 2008 Hillary Clinton Elizabeth Edwards Indiana John Edwards Universal Health Care Harry and Louise Video Gender Progressive Politics North Carolina Pennsylvania