Disenfranchised voters will begin taking to the streets all over Florida tomorrow, and in D.C. next week, to demand that the state's disqualified January primary results be counted.
The Miami Herald reports:
Rallies are planned Saturday in seven Florida cities, including Miami and Fort Lauderdale, to demand that the national party count Florida's delegates. Hundreds of activists are also expected to ride buses to Washington to rally Wednesday. . "This has to do with our civil rights," said Millie Herrera, a potential Clinton convention delegate and the president of the Hispanic Democratic Caucus of Florida. "No one has the right to invalidate our votes."
Look out Howard Dean! Busloads of Floridians will arrive in D.C. next week to protest outside the DNC headquarters:

Buoyed by the results in Pennsylvania, bus loads of Floridians -- mostly backers of Sen. Hillary Clinton -- will head to Washington for an April 30th rally before the Democratic National Committee's headquarters. The group is looking to confront party leaders and argue that the Sunshine State's disqualified January primary results should be counted. They are asking that all 2ll Florida delegates be seated at the August convention in Denver, a decision that would help in the delegate-numbers-game for the New York senator.
Florida Demands Representation and the League of Latin American Citizens are organizing the protests.
Florida Howard Dean DNC Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Politics Media Bias Michigan Indiana North Carolina