Not that anyone who has been paying one iota of attention needs it, but as "proof" that "there's an ugly strain of misogyny running through Hillary Clinton's media coverage," Rachel Sklar offers "an unbelievable statement" from Keith Olbermann:
Olbermann was discussing the election with Newsweek's Howard Fineman, a frequent guest. They topic was, how can a winner finally be determined in this never-ending Democratic race for the nomination? Of course, the assumption was that it was Clinton that should be shown the door (despite clearly still earning her spot in the race thanks to, um, voters). Fineman said that, all the delegate math aside, ultimately it was going to take "some adults somewhere in the Democratic party to step in and stop this thing, like a referee in a fight that could go on for thirty rounds. Those are the super, super, super delegates who are going to have to decide this."
Said Olbermann: "Right. Somebody who can take her into a room and only he comes out."

What does that mean? Really, it can only mean one thing: Beating the crap out of Hillary Clinton, to the point where she is physically incapable of of getting up and walking out. Do I really think Olbermann thinks Hillary Clinton should really be violently beaten to the point of physical incapacitation, or worse? No. . But it is an unmistakably violent image . . If David Shuster can be suspended for likening Chelsea Clinton to a prostitute, then what happens when Keith Olbermann implies that the only way to stop Hillary Clinton is to inflict some sort of physical harm on her?
This latest swipe at Hillary Rodham Clinton by the towel-slapping, anti-woman frat boy at MSNBC is viewed somewhat differently by Delilah:
Olbermann: How To Snuff Out Hillary Clinton
"Metaphor, my ass. If 2 white guys suggested that "somebody" take Obama into a room and Obama doesn't come out, how would that sound to you? If it sounds more...um, outrageous to say such a thing about Obama than it is to say it about Clinton, then you need to take a long look at your personal beliefs about human rights."
The misogyny at MSNBC is driving me crazy. When the MSNBC men aren't being misogynistic creeps, they're bashing the Clintons with charges of racism. Most everyday the boys at MSNBC like to talk about racism. That's the only ism MSNBC can handle. Because if any of mainly male pundits on any of the networks had to talk about the misogyny directed at Hillary Rodham Clinton, the story would be about them!

Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, David Shuster, and everyone on the Misogyny Network who doesn’t speak out against it, YOU are the perps.
Day after day, in a million ways they tell the world that Hillary Rodham Clinton is a cold calculating dishonest and polarizing bitch. Then the male pundits sit and pontificate about all the possible reasons for Hillary’s “unlikeability.” Gee, the perps wonder, why don’t people like the bitch?
Women are largely voiceless in this country. We can bitch on our blogs day in and day out, but it does precious little good. We are tokens in the media. We are tokens in the government. Wherever the important decisions are made in this sorry sexist nation, women are tokens. The lowly token women on MSNBC won't talk about the daily misogyny for the same reason Hillary Rodham Clinton won't talk about it.

Every now and then a reporter will try to get Hillary to talk about it. But it's a trap, and she’s knows it.
If she talked about it, if she gave a gender speech, the mainly male media would laugh and call her a crazy bitch in a million media stories. And they would do it for weeks!! OMG! Hillary Played the Gender Card!!!!
The women at MSNBC have seen what happens to Hillary. We've all seen it.
The feminists of the ‘60s and ‘70s would never have put up with this crap.
Where is the feminist leadership?
Shakesville: Hillary Sexism Watch: Part Eighty-Three
Anglachelg's Journal: Olbermann Calls for Clinton's Murder
TalkLeft: Olbermann Comments on Hillary Causing Stir
The Confluence: Keith, what are we talking about here exactly?
Buck Naked Politics: Olbermann's Hillary Derangement Syndrome Takes Him Over the Top and Over the Line
No Quarter: Olbermann Wants Hillary Taken Down NOW, and Forcibly
RedState: It's like every day is Christmas.
The Real Spiel: Olbermann's answer to WWTSBQ
No Blood for Hubris: Thomas a Beckett's Ghost Asks: "Who Will Rid Me of This Meddlesome Female Candidate for U.S. President?"
Corrente: Misogyny, thy name is Media
Enough is enough you ignorant men photo: Women hold up signs demanding equal rights during a demonstration for women's liberation, New York City, circa 1968. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
MSNBC Photos: Stop the Media Bias! Protest
Keith apologized last night. It was as quick and understated and insincere and insignificant as is this acknowledgment of it.
"To the refrain of Hillary cackling, let's start with predictions tonight."
Hillary Clinton Media Bias Feminist Politics Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Gender Sexism Misogyny Keith Olbermann MSNBC Media Bias Indiana North Carolina