Monday, March 03, 2008

Washington Post: Women Are Stupid

And you thought you had to tune in to MSNBC, or Ann Coulter, Phyllis Schlafly or Bill Maher to discover all the many ways that women are just plain stupid. No more. Now you can get your misogyny on the Op-ed page of the Washington Post:

We Scream, We Swoon. How Dumb Can We Get? -- by Charlotte Allen

When the anti-feminists raise their voices this loudly, it generally means they fear a feminist uprising is brewing. And, yes, if a similar piece about a racial minority group graced the pages of this esteemed newspaper, the Washington Post would be out of business.

Update: This 1,700 word bundle of sexist stereotypes was supposed to be funny! It was supposed to be 'tongue-in-cheek', claims Outlook editor John Pomfret. But this breaking news comes a little late since all seventeen of the WaPo's women readers have already gone back to the New York Times. Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell is also not swooning and not buying it.