Sunday, March 30, 2008

Clinton Fever in Kentucky (Video)

Kentucky holds its Democratic primary on May 20. Indiana on May 5.

Quick hits: Clinton touts Kentucky's importance in presidential race --and-- Hillary Clinton brought her campaign to Kentucky and Southern Indiana

Meanwhile, in response to the Obama camp's plea for Hillary to quit and let their man have an easy win, the Washington Post editorializes: Don't Stop Campaigning. As James Carville pointed out today on CNN, every time Obama and his Obamanians call for Hillary to drop out, they piss off at least half the Democrats in the country. Carville also said that if Barack Obama can't take the heat from Hillary, why in the world is he trying to make it to the general?

McClatchy Newspapers reports that Obama appears to be buying Superdelegates: Since 2005, his PAC has donated $710,900 to superdelegates, more than three times as much as Clinton's PAC has. And the Washington Post reports that Obama's claim of a connection between his family and JFK's is NOT true.

Finally, after Obama complained that the Democratic primary is like a good movie that has lasted too long, Hillary smiled and said: "I like long movies."