Monday, December 10, 2007

GOP Launches Anti Liberal Women Ad (Video)

Why Can't Liberal Women Be More Like Laura Bush?

Just in case there's anyone who doesn't already know about the GOP's woman problem, the macho hairy-chested he-man party has an ad. The GOP ad below groups Robin Weirauch (D-Ohio) with those other witchy liberal women - Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

It's difficult to tell what the Grand Old Party of White Macho Men dislikes most about the women. Is it their liberalness, or is it their refusal to be docile GOP wives? Oh but wait, isn't that the definition of a liberal woman?

Why can't the witches be more like Laura? I don't know why the GOP didn't just go ahead and call the 3 liberal women bitches.

Robin Weirauch (D-Ohio) is the Democratic nominee running against State Rep. Bob Latta (R) to "fill the vacancy left by the September death of Rep. Paul Gillmor (R-Ohio)."

GOP Ad - 3 Bad Liberal Women

Women in the Senate: 11 Democrats, 5 Republicans
Women in the House: 51 Democrats, 20 Republicans
Women running for president: 1 Democrat, 0 Republicans