If it weren't for socialized medicine for elites, or government provided health care, Daddy Cheney would likely be long dead, according to a full page ad (pdf) running today in ten Iowa newspapers. "If he were anyone else, he’d probably be dead by now," reads the ad.
The ad is paid for by the National Nurses Organizing Committee, which represents 75,000 nurses who want single payer universal health care probably more than they want Dick Cheney alive.
Just think, all over America children and their families go without health care so that Dick Cheney can get some.
Universal health care for elites like Dick Cheney - your tax dollars at work!
Washington Wire:
“The patient’s history and prognosis were grim: four heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, angioplasty, an implanted defibrillator and now an emergency procedure to treat an irregular heartbeat,” the ad states, referencing Cheney’s lengthy medical chart. “For millions of Americans, this might be a death sentence. For the vice president, it was just another medical treatment. And it cost him very little.”
The group is calling on the presidential candidates to support a single-payer government-run health-care bill introduced in Congress by Rep. John Conyers (D., Mich.) that has 88 co-sponsors, including long-shot Democratic candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich.
Tell Congress To Pass H.R. 676 Now
Make Sure Your Rep. Supports H.R. 676
Sicko Dick Cheney Bush Greedy Politics Republican Socialism News Single Payer Universal Health Care Iowa