Al Gore picked up his Nobel Peace Prize today. CNN is reporting that Europe is treating Al Gore like a hero. For some reason, the talking head at CNN seems to find it remarkable that Europe is showering Al Gore with praise instead of 'criticism' on the day he receives the Nobel Prize.
What the hell is wrong with CNN?
But hold on to your seat, according to CNN, there is yet another difference between Europe and America. In Europe, people actually respect science. Gawd! Just what you might expect from a bunch of godless commies.
International Herald Tribune - EUROPE:
OSLO, Norway: Nobel Peace Prize winner Al Gore said Monday that the United States and China will "stand accountable before history" if they fail to take the lead against global warming — a daunting threat that would require wartime resolve. . .
"We, the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency — a threat to the survival of our civilization that is gathering ominous and destructive potential even as we gather here," Gore said at the Nobel ceremony in Oslo's City Hall. . .
"Will those responsible for decisions in the field of climate change at the global level listen to the voice of science and knowledge, which is now loud and clear?"
Saying the threat of global warming was "real, rising, imminent and universal," Gore called for a new global climate treaty to be in place by 2010 — two years earlier than planned. Heads of state should meet every three months starting early next year to negotiate the treaty, he said.
Al Gore Nobel Peace Prize News Science Politics Europe America Global Warming Bush Unscientific America