Thursday, December 06, 2007

Fred Thompson S.C. Co-Chair Declares Mormon Faith NOT Christian

Republican Southern Baptists vs. Republican Mormons

Welcome to the Republican religious wars. Fred Thompson's South Carolina co-chair Cyndi Mosteller says that according to the Southern Baptist Convention, Mormonism is just "not a part of the Christian faith."

Fred Thompson's campaign co-chair adds that "most evangelicals" feel that way too. Do "most evangelicals" include Freddie Thompson?

When Fred Thompson's South Carolina co-chair is not waging religious wars, she is doing stand-up comedy. The Baptist Republican campaign worker says that another difference between her Christian faith of talking snakes and the Mormon faith is that Mormon myths are "almost unbelievable:"

I think the doctrines of Protestantism, Catholicism and Judaism are so vastly different from the Mormon doctrine; from the concept of polygamy being the order of Heaven, to human man’s progression to godhead of other worlds, to the idea that Jesus had multiple wives, to the idea that, after the death of the last apostle, all of Christendom was in apostasy – with a capital “A” as the Church refers to it – until Joseph Smith discovered the golden plates in the 1830s. So I think it’s inconsistent with so many basic Christian doctrines and it’s very unusual to the point that it’s almost unbelievable. These concepts are things that are theologically beyond our orthodox imagination.

Is this Freddie Thompson's position?

According to a Pew Research Center poll, 52 percent of Americans who are not Mormons think Mormons are Christian. [via Drudge Retort]