The deceptive and secretive "Genocide Awareness Project" sneaks into another Tennessee University with no warning, no prior notice, no publicity.
With virtually no notice, Pro Choice Middle Tennessee State University students protest the foul on-campus presence of the misogynistic out-of-state group that opposes reproductive freedom.

The woman-hating back-to-the-19th-century anti-choice group will be on the campus of the University of Tennessee-Knoxville on September 13, 14 and 15 (9am-4pm).
There will be counter demonstrations. If you are there, send me photos!
The deceptive "Genocide Awareness Project" also calls itself the Center for Bio-ethical Reform
Warning: lots of fake blood and phoney photos -- if you can't stomach Grade B horror movies, don't go there. Otherwise, it's hilarious!

Abortion Pro Choice Demonstration Murfreesboro Tennessee News Feminist Protest Politics MTSU Roe v. Wade Reproductive Freedom UTK Middle Tennessee State University Knoxville University of Tennessee