"Its strategies shattered, a desperate Washington is reaching out to the late dictator's henchmen." -- How Bush Became the New Saddam. . .
If you want to know all about the "brutal realities and strange alliances of the desperate U.S. mission," check out this cover story in Canada's Maclean's magazine.
As regular readers know, I used to live in Canada. Let me assure you that Maclean's is a mild mannered and very mainstream current affairs magazine.
What's radical is the USA.
I haven't read the entire piece yet, but over at firedoglake, TRex has a nice review. Here's a snippet:
This MacLean’s cover story is probably the most clear-eyed and spin-free analysis of the situation in Iraq that I have ever read. It figures that you have to go to Canada to find writing this trenchant and penetrating about the mess we’ve made over there...
The author, Patrick Graham, has been traveling to Iraq since well before the invasion and the picture he paints of a nation in chaos is unlike anything you have ever read from American bobbleheads about the war.
Read more . .
Bush Iraq News 2008 Politics Media Canada America Saddam Hussein Dictator Macleans