Friday, August 10, 2007

Bill Richardson Blows It At 'Gay Debate'

Bill Richardson blew it. And he can go ahead and drop out of the race anytime now, the sooner the better. When asked if sexual orientation is innate or a choice, Richardson replied, "It's a choice."

By the pained look on his face, I guessed he could hear the groans from the audience.

When given another chance, Richardson did no better: "I'm not a scientist. I don't see this as an issue of science or definition. I see gays and lesbians as human beings ... I don't like to categorize people."

That's fine Bill, but the law does like to categorize people, and you just gave the answer that translates to no rights allowed under the law!

On the same-sex marriage question, the Governor blew it again. But how was he to know the question would even be asked?

In Richardson's first attempt at a response, he sat in silence for what seemed to me to be an embarrassment of minutes. Eventually the presidential wannabe managed to respond with: "I'm not there yet."

Do tell. But you just can't expect Bill Richardson to be prepared for these surprise questions.

Video of Bill Richardson blowing it - and Richardson’s campaign issues 'too little, too late' clarification.

See all of it at Visible Vote 08.