Friday, July 06, 2007

Washington Post Hair Columnist Writes About Democratic Hair

In his latest Washington Post column, John Solomon has penned some 1,300 words on the subject of John Edwards' hair.

Maybe it's brilliant. But who the hell reads past the headline? I don't know who goes to the Washington Post for news about hair (Democratic or Republican hair!), but I can think of some more appropriate places for Hair Columnist John Solomon to do his writing.

Seventeen comes to mind.

Steve Benen over at Political Animal has an interesting piece on the topics of past columns by Washington Post Hair Columnist John Solomon. TPMmuckraker tells us all about Solomon's fondness for attacking Dems. And from Sadly, No!, comes the news that the Columbia Journalism Review judges Solomon to be a mediocre columnist. Like anyone at the Columbia Journalism Review actually reads John Solomon.

If you want to read 1,300 words about Democratic hair, just head on over to the Washington Post. Maybe Rupert Murdoch should buy it too.