Friday, July 06, 2007

Fred Thompson Tells Jim Cooper (D-TN) to Shut Up (Video)

President-wannabe Fred Thompson throws a temper-tantrum and tells his 1994 opponent, the famously mild-mannered Congressman Jim Cooper (D-TN), to "shut up." I wonder if hot-headed Thompson will try that with Hillary Clinton?

"Thompson’s opponent for the Senate in 1994, Rep. Jim Cooper (D-Tenn.), labeled Thompson a “Gucci-wearing, Lincoln-driving, Perrier-drinking, Grey Poupon-spreading millionaire Washington special-interest lobbyist,” all of which was true. But Thompson would just point to his red truck — the one he drove “the final few hundred feet before each campaign event, and then ditched it for something nicer as soon as he was out of sight of the yokels” — which somehow managed to quell the criticism."

More on Fred Thompson's rented red pick-up truck.