Friday, August 19, 2005

Bill Maher - Real Time - Returns Tonight!

UPDATE: Cindy Sheehan's spot was replaced with that icon of anti-feminist hypocrisy, Phyllis Schlafy.

I posted on this a few days ago, but tonight's the night! Despite Maher's glaring imperfections, I'm addicted to Real Time.

And over at Sound Destruction , I learned that along with Cindy Sheehan (via satelite) and Chris Rock, the anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly will make an appearance. Gawd, please let it be via satelite. I'm going to enjoy the show anyway, but I may have to keep a barf bag handy.

Asa Hutchinson, Kellyanne Conway and Paul Hackett will also be guests. This is weird. Maher never has this many women on a show. Wonder what's up. Could he be trying to get as good on women's rights as he is on animal rights? There's always the hope.