Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Obama & the Media: Count the Sweeties! (Video)

I'm reading Erika Falk's Women for President, Media Bias in Eight Campaigns. Falk argues that that since 1872, when Victoria Woodhull ran for the presidency on the Equal Rights Party ticket, the systematic media bias against women candidates has changed precious little. Falk tracks almost 150 years of media coverage and documents the media's historic and modern day preference for male candidates.

Why doesn't the U.S. media like women candidates? According to Clyde:

"[T]he mainstream media is mostly owned by a conglomerate of sexist male pigs who hire pundits in their own image if they are male, or how good they think they might be in the sack if they're female."

But what do you think? Watch the video, and count the sweeties.

Obama & the Press: Count the Sweeties

Sexist Media: Boycott MSNBC, NBC & Affiliates on May 20
Hillary Clinton: Mad As Hell/Bitch Video
"President Hillary" shirts, mugs, buttons, bumperstickers
"Bitch is the New Black!" - t-shirts, bumper stickers, buttons, etc.