Rightwing bloggers feel betrayed by Bush, observes CNN. Conservative bloggers are "in full revolt" and "many are breaking with Bush over immigration."
In fact, there is so much rightwing rage over the immigration bill that Republican lawmakers are busily crafting amendments to make an already "harsh" bill into one that is a "manifestly awful" "monster" -- warns the the NY Times. Unlike Bush, Republican lawmakers are consumed with worries about the next election day, and nothing is more scary for a rightwinger than being branded with "the scarlet letter A, for amnesty."
Of course, some of them would also like to capture the Hispanic vote. Heh.
Below are some of the highlights from CNN documenting the rightwing blogger revolt. My own personal favorite is the one from Ace of Spades HQ -- which is where I found the delightful tombstone pictured above.
Erick Erickson, managing editor of the popular conservative blog RedState.com, says he receives between 800 and 900 e-mails a day from readers, most of whom are "enraged" by the White House's immigration efforts.
"Of all the issues the president has picked to make his hill to die on, he has picked the one that has divided his base," said Erickson, who lives in Macon, Georgia. "I am shocked by the anger and outrage out there ... You've got war against the president within the Republican party."
When details of an immigration compromise were announced this spring, conservative bloggers were immediately incensed. Michelle Malkin labeled it "a White House betrayal."
Another popular blogger, Hugh Hewitt, called the bill a "fiasco" and wrote: "this push for this bill is a disaster, Mr. President."

The blog Ace of Spades HQ

Republican Party Politics Conservative Bloggers Rightwing News Immigration 2008 Bush News Amnesty