Here's your political forecast for the day, another liberal flag has been planted on formerly Republican soil -- check it out: www.trentlott.com.
Via Michelle Malkin, who laments that Trent Lott has been bashing rightwing talk radio!
Said Trent Lott:
"Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem.”
Determined to make your day a happier one yet, Malkin quotes Rush Limbaugh and then adds her astute two cents to the political forecast for the next, um, forty years or so:
"Rush on Lott--'You've got Republicans talking about talk radio like liberals talk about talk radio. That tells you something.'"
Says Michelle Malkin: "Yes, it does. It tells you that the Republican Party is in deep, deep doo-doo."
Who knew that we would one day wake up to find ourselves in complete agreement with the likes of Trent Lott and Michele Malkin?
Republican Party Politics Rush Limbaugh Trent Lott Immigration 2008 Coming Progressive Era News Michelle Malkin MoveOn.org