Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Bush's Mission Accomplished Moment - 4th Anniversary

Today is the 4th Anniversary of the Boy King's 'Mission Accomplished' moment.

Americans were already commemorating one of the fool's most delusional moments yesterday when demonstrators unfurled before the White House a 50 foot banner reading:


Bush is expected to veto the Iraq War spending bill today in an effort to make the war last at least until a Democratic president moves into the White House and begins to clean up the Decider's atrocious mess in 2009.

"Four years after President Bush said the war was over, four years after he stood before the banner 'Mission Accomplished' on the USS Abraham Lincoln and four years into a tortured and failed policy in Iraq – US forces are still caught in the crosshairs of a civil war with no end in sight."

The demonstration concluded with a chorus of "sign the bill, sign the bill," from the assembled protesters.