Tuesday, May 01, 2007

More Human Food Contaminated

Yesterday our government warned us about eating sausage and biscuits, today we learn from our trustworthy government that chickens have also been fed the contaminated feed containing melamine.

Melamine is a chemical used in plastics and fertilizer.

An estimated 30 broiler poultry farms and eight breeder poultry farms in Indiana received contaminated feed in early February and fed it to poultry within days of receiving it, the agencies said. Other farms will probably be identified as having received contaminated feed, they added.

The FDA and USDA insist that there's no need for a recall because there's no evidence that the substance that killed our pets will harm us.

And we don't torture, and we're making progress in Iraq.

But maybe the real reason that there will be no recall is because the U.S. Government does not know "how many chickens were involved, how many entered the food supply or where they went."

If you were thinking about going vegan, now's the time. But I still fully expect to discover that the plastics and fertilizer chemical is also in our granola.

[Bush as Alfred E. Neuman image via The Nation.]