You saw Scary Toxic Pet Food, now stay tuned for Scary Toxic Human Food. Hollywood needs to stop making scary movies. If they want scary, all they need to do is make documentaries about everyday life under the Terrifying Reign of the Incompetent Bush Administration.
It turns out that China has been mixing melamine into animal feed and selling it as "protein-rich pig, poultry and fish feed." They've been doing this for years, and we only just found out.
As far as we know, at least 45 California residents haven eaten contaminated pork "from hogs that consumed animal feed laced with melamine from China . . The effects of melamine on people are thought to be minimal, but no one really knows."
I mean they use it to make plastic. How bad can it be?
As far as we know, the contaminated feed has been sent to hog farmers in California, Utah, Ohio, Kansas, Oklahoma, New York, North Carolina and South Carolina. And maybe Missouri. We don't know for sure.
As far as we know, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has "ordered more than 6,000 hogs to be quarantined or slaughtered."
"At a time when food imports are growing, and only 1 percent to 2 percent of food imports receive any government scrutiny, critics say the scare reveals the shortcomings of a weakened food safety bureaucracy, the inadequacy of existing regulations and the inability of the FDA, which has suffered significant cutbacks, to protect the food supply."
The FDA defends itself by pointing out that they have suffered major cuts since 2003.
After all, there's a war on.
And it's not just the wheat gluten that's poison -- rice protein is also toxic. I'm not sure, but that sounds like something that might be in my granola. Until we know more, the safest course may be to forego eating.
But here's your reassurance from the FDA. (I'm trying to remember who Bush put in charge of the FDA. Wasn't it one of those 23 year old graduates from Divinity School?): Joint Update: FDA/USDA Update on Tainted Animal Feed
HorsesAss and Huffington Post have more and it ain't pretty:
Melamine-spiking “widespread” in China; human food broadly contaminated
Human Food Broadly Contaminated
FDA News Politics Human Food Scare Melamine China Contaminated Human Food Pork Bush