Congress will hear testimony from the purged prosecutors today. Like they say, a day without a Bush scandal is like a day without a Bush war. It ain't happening.
Reportedly, one of the purged was told by "a high-ranking Justice Department official" that if the purged prosecutors continued to complain publicly about said purge, "previously undisclosed details" about the reasons for firing the prosecutors would come to light.
Justice Department officials deny everything.
Speaking of denying everything:
Rep. Heather A. Wilson (R-N.M.) "denied allegations from former New Mexico U.S. Attorney David C. Iglesias that she pressured him to speed up a political corruption investigation involving Democrats in the waning days of her tight election campaign last fall."
But the latest in the breaking scandal is the story in the NY Times about a previously purged prosecutor:
"The former federal prosecutor in Maryland said Monday that he was forced out in early 2005 because of political pressure stemming from public corruption investigations involving associates of the state’s governor, a Republican."
“There was direct pressure not to pursue these investigations,” said the former prosecutor, Thomas M. DiBiagio. “The practical impact was to intimidate my office and shut down the investigations.”
The purge scandal needs a name. Ideas?
Purge Scandal News Politics Fired Prosecutors Alberto Gonzales Bush