Philosoraptor over at DU does a mock-up of the anticipated New Way Forward speech and does a fine job of summing up my mood and, by all indications, the mood of the country.
You have to be a complete and utter fool to believe anything that comes out of this pResident's incompetent and lying mouth.
Tonight Bush-in-a-Bubble will deliver the speech that he will forever be remembered by, the most important speech to ever emerge from the First Bubble.
I never enjoy watching Bush speeches, but I watch.
Who knows, the Decider may even awaken some of us from this dreary state of outrage fatigue . . . if we can only stand to watch.
Good Evening & F**k You My Fellow Americans
A speech written by dick cheney and read by george w. bush, 1-10-2007.
...I come before you tonight to tell you that I have thought long and hard about the results of the last election in 2006, and I have studied and contemplated the findings of the Iraq study group. I have heard the voice of the American people, loud and clear.
And after consulting with my new generals on the ground and in the theater of operation, and with my staff of experts, I want to announce this evening that I will go ahead and do exactly as I damn well please, and you can all go fuck yourselves, each and every single useless one of you. I am the president, I am the decider, you are beyond irrelevant to me and I utterly disregard you with the deepest contempt imaginable.
I will be sending 20,000 or more new, recycled and unprepared troops into Iraq, despite every logical reason against it, I will order more of your sons and daughters into harm's way so that every last dollar can be extracted from this newly liberated nation.
I decree more sacrifice, more piracy and more tyranny in the coming new year, and victory is at hand in the middle east. This is the new way forward, and this is the calling of our generation.
Thank you all for coming and may God continue to bless America.
Bush Iraq Politics Surge News New Way Forward Bush Speech War Bush Middle Finger