Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Rush and Bush Sittin' in a Tree
Bush Hangs With Rush! - Caption This!
Which one of these guys is pResident? Cuz I can't tell the difference. They both like old straight white men and obedient white wives best.
They both snarl at you and call you names if you have a different point of view.
Like my 86 year-old mama says, Rush Limbaugh is a rude, crude and vulgar thug. How fitting that the Petty pResident of Division grants interviews to ultra rightwing hate-jocks like Rush. If the shock-and-awe jocks switched jobs, I'm not sure we'd notice the difference.
And what did the pResident say on the Rush Limbaugh show?
He said there are people in this world who are responsible for killing innocent people! He said that bad people use propaganda! He said that propaganda from bad people is bad cause it discourages the good people of America. But it's okay, cause the pResident said America is going to win the war and put an end to violence and propaganda (and bad people)!
Or maybe it was Rush who said that.
But it was definitely the pResident who said:
"I really don't think about the idea of having a Democrat-led House and Senate because I don't think it's going to happen."
Meanwhile -- "52 percent of registered voters say they prefer Democrats controlling Congress, compared with 37 percent who want Republicans in charge. That 15-point advantage is unchanged from the last NBC/Journal poll released two weeks ago, and ties the largest lead ever on this particular question."
Rush Limbaugh Bush Politics Poll News Iraq Election 2006 Republicans Media Propaganda