Thursday, September 07, 2006
Tell ABC to Tell the Truth About 9/11
You really need to write to ABC. We can stop this pre-election rightwing propaganda if enough of us write.
Obviously, ABC is nothing without we the people.
"On September 10 and 11, ABC Television is planning to run an inaccurate film depicting the events leading up to the 9/11 attacks. The film was written by an avowed conservative and it largely places the blame for failing to prevent the attacks on the Clinton administration while whitewashing the failures of the Bush administration."
Write ABC and tell them to tell the truth about 9/11.
Think Progress:
ABC has been aggressively advancing its inaccurate and politically slanted miniseries, “The Path to 9/11,” to the right wing. Big players like Rush Limbaugh have been provided copies, as have obscure right-wing bloggers like Patterico.
But ABC has refused to provide a copy to President Clinton’s office. Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Adviser Samuel Berger have also requested copies of the film from ABC, and both have been denied. Both Berger and Albright are harshly criticized in the film in scenes that, according to former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke, are “180 degrees from what happened.”
Think Progress has the full text of letters written by Berger and Albright.
More on Rightwing Propaganda Machine ABC -- An ABC insider sent this missive to right-wing blogger Hugh Hewitt about potential edits to the film: . . . "The message of the Clinton Admin failures remains fully intact."
Also, see: House Democrats Demand Accuracy in ABC 9/11 Film
Write ABC and tell them to tell the truth about 9/11.
Get the contact info for your local ABC affiliate.
Election 2006 Rightwing Propaganda Politics Republicans 9/11 ABC News Media GOP Bush Clinton