If you've visited the rightwing Real Marriage site, you may have noticed that Senator David Fowler's new little elite Christian Caucasian Club (CCC) names the Tennessee Guerilla Women as one of its mortal enemies.
We are so proud.
Since David Fowler is leaving the State Senate in order to be a full time bigot, we thought we'd pay a little tribute to our famed holier-than-thou crusader against the rights and dignity of gays, women, blacks, working people, poor people and children everywhere.
Senator David Fowler does like some people. Coincidentally, they all happen to look and act just like the Lily White Heterosexist Senator.
David Fowler is in charge of Real Marriage Org. -- a little Focus on the Family project which envisions real marriage to be only for real people who are just like David Fowler.
Fanatical Fowler is also a champion of forced maternity and is famous for attempting to force women to have the babies of rapists. The Christian Senator -- who is always dwelling on women's wombs and apparently longing to return to one womb -- so wanted voters to decide the question of a constitutional amendment forbidding abortion to victims of rape and incest.
But Fanatical Fowler had to settle for a Real Marriage Amendment.
Senator Fowler once said that he "knows what it is to be pregnant." So, doesn't it follow that the wannabe womb and bedroom controller also 'knows' what it is to be gay?
We're happy Fowler is leaving his other rightwing club, the Tennessee State Senate, but we wish somebody would hurry up and take his picture down from the Tennessee Legislature gallery. Because David Fowler never did represent Tennesseans. There are just too many of us who don't look like him. Too many of us who were not made in the pure boy's Ghastly Bigoted Christian image.
As we celebrate Fowler's departure from the job of tax-payer sponsored bigot, it seems fitting to look back at a few of the pearls of rightwing wisdom that fell like dirty toads from our elite White Christian Senator's mouth.
The Heterosexist Senator has been accused of "constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth."
Here's a taste of Fanatical Fowler's diarrhea. If I've missed your favorite, email me and I'll happily add it.
"People who do filing and answer the phones - they can be replaced for a dime a dozen. Their incentive is to show up for work, do your job every day, don't complain, don't moan. If you don't like it, leave!"
"Sick days to me never made much sense, and are abused by slacker employees - especially those I'm stuck with in the government."
"In the private sector, if my secretary needs to go to the doctor, I ask her to try to do it in the morning or the afternoon, and she can go, and if I feel like she's abusing it, I fire her."
"How much is there you can teach a 4-year-old? My guess is that it doesn't take five and a half hours." -- The basher of small children was trying to amend a pre kindergarten bill so that low income children would receive 3 hours of instruction rather than 5 ½ hours.
"[I]f intelligent design .. is the truth, then God forbid we should not teach it to our children."
"[A]re we just going to write them a check for $1,000 and they can snort it up their nose, buy kegs for the fraternity?" -- This was Fowler's response to a $1,000 scholarship lottery supplement for low income students.
Isn't it encouraging to know that the new President of the Family Action Council of Tennessee is not just your average homophobe?
Instead, David Fowler is a big tent kind of guy who despises all kinds of people!
Related Post: Dobson to Hold Anti-Gay Rally In Nashville
David Fowler Radical Right News Politics Fanatical Fowler Gay Homophobia Amendment 1 Gay Marriage Focus on the Family Tennessee Real Marriage